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Borderlands 3 – Weihnachtsgoodies und Update #511 min Lesezeit

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Das Update mit der Nummer 5 wurde für Borderlands 3 veröffentlicht. Dieses behebt einige Fehler, bringt Verbesserungen mit sich und enthält auch ganz neue Funktionen – mehr dazu weiter unten im Beitrag. Außerdem hat Entwickler Gearbox einige Goodies passend zu Weihnachten in Petto.

So sagt Gearbox selbst:

„Zu den Festtagen ist es Zeit für Friede auf Erden und Chaos in den Borderlands. Wir feiern die winterliche Ausgelassenheit des Söldner-Tages mit einer ganzen Woche voller festlicher Geschenke. Ab sofort gibt es insgesamt acht Geschenke für alle artigen Kammer-Jäger!“

Gemeint sind damit hauptsächlich neue Shift-Codes. Diese gibt es einerseits auf der offiziellen Twitter-Seite – selbstverständlich auch mit Weihnachtsgeschenken. Dort sind von Schlüssel-Codes bis hin zu neuen Waffen und Skins diverse Codes bereits verfügbar. Weitere Shift-Codes findet man auch auf der offiziellen Website.

Ein nettes Video dazu gibt es auch:


Update Nummer 5

Das Update Nummer 5 soll auch auf den neuen „Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot“-Inhalt vorbereiten. Die genauen Änderungen in der Übersicht auf Englisch:


  • Added support for Borderlands 3 DLC: Moxxi’s Heist of The Handsome Jackpot. Live on December 19.


  • Addressed a reported concern related to the Grenade Indicator widget
  • Addressed a reported concern related to the Minimap widget
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when exiting the ECHO menu
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when a user attempted to load in the game after experiencing a network error
  • [Console] Fixed a rare crash that sometimes occurred in split screen when players leave the party
  • Fixed a rare crash that sometimes occurred after idling for ten minutes
  • [Xbox] Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in split screen on Xbox One
  • [PC] Improved network performance on PC to prevent hitching related to friends or networked games


  • Improved Inventory Menu performance
  • Improved performance when opening Guardian Rank Menu
  • [PC] Added support to immediately swap between glyph types when using Auto-Detect
  • Added numbered icons to the Mayhem Mode icon on the HUD
  • Added missing Japanese characters
  • Addressed an issue where all functionality could sometimes be lost when pressing the Options button within the Mode menu before starting a game
  • Addressed an issue where Mayhem Mode icons on the HUD would sometimes become inconsistent when adjusting difficulty
  • Addressed an issue where thumbnails and locked state could sometimes become incorrect when viewed in the inventory menu
  • Addressed an issue where vending machine thumbnails could sometimes be incorrect
  • Addressed an issue where the Photo Mode settings could sometimes scroll off the screen
  • [PC] Addressed an issue where the PC text chat UI would sometimes disappear after being opened for the second time during a cinematic
  • Addressed an issue where Friend Profile icons were sometimes not showing up correctly on the ECHO menu
  • Addressed an issue where the character icon sometimes failed to be present when viewing the Friends Mail prompt in the Mail Menu
  • Addressed an issue where clients could sometimes lose functionality when opening the ECHO menu after exiting a vehicle
  • [Console] Addressed an issue where item cards would sometimes appear cut off when viewing items in chests in split screen
  • [Console] Addressed issue where small item cards would sometimes be displayed on the wrong player’s screen in split screen
  • Addressed an issue where clients who late joined the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite would sometimes not have Spectator Mode button prompts
  • Addressed an issue where performance could sometimes be negatively impacted by pressing inputs from two different sources while spectating during the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
  • Addressed an issue where primary and secondary stats could sometimes overlap on Legendary Artifact item cards
  • Addressed an issue where multiple notifications were sometimes being triggered after having completed a Challenge


  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker that sometimes occurred if the player jumped before Chadd did during the mission „Swamp Bro“
  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker where the objective „Kill Ratch“ sometimes wouldn’t update during the mission „The Family Jewel“
  • Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the mission „In the Shadow of the Starlight“
  • Addressed perceived progression blockers related to traveling between environments on Promethea
  • Addressed a reported concern where waypoints would sometimes fail to appear when obtaining a mission for an environment that hadn’t been unlocked yet
  • Addressed a reported concern where players were sometimes unable to complete Fast Travel Station Zone Progress when exploring Cathedral of the Twin Gods
  • Addressed multiple issues with ECHO dialog not playing
Interessanter Beitrag von uns:  Borderlands 3 - Hotfix bringt neue Anpassungen


  • Buffed the drop rates for Trial bosses, Slaughter bosses, and Rare Spawn enemies
RELATED //  Borderlands 3: Eliminierung in Maliwans Geheimanlage – Endgame Inhalt & Patch 4 verfügbar

We’ve received feedback that farming certain bosses can be more time consuming then others. We agree and as a result, we’ve buffed the loot drop rates on Trial bosses, Slaughter bosses and Rare Spawn enemies.

  • Updated weapons wielded by CoV Badass enemies to use bullet-based variations to cut down on FX spam
  • Fixed a reported concern where Guardian Rank Perks would sometimes be disabled for users that had already unlocked them
  • Addressed a reported concern where enemies would sometimes deal excessive damage to vehicles in True Vault Hunter Mode
  • Addressed a reported concern where the Spiderant King enemy sometimes failed to launch the sticky projectile from his tail when performing a Web Pull attack
  • Addressed a reported concern that enemies might not spawn from Warp Anchors and Dropships
  • Addressed a reported concern that Zane’s „Quick Breather“ skill was sometimes not functioning
  • Addressed a reported concern that Zane’s „Schadenfreude“ skill would sometimes not award the player Shield restoration
  • Addressed a reported concern that Zane’s „Praemunitus“ skill would sometimes not award the proper size clip on the first clip of the weapon the Digiclone is spawned with
  • Addressed a reported concern that Moze’s „Stainless Steel Bear“ skill would sometimes not award the damage bonus to Iron Bear
  • Addressed a reported concern that Moze would occasionally be ejected from Iron Bear immediately after entering it
  • Addressed a reported concern where a client’s camera would sometimes occasionally stutter and lose functionality after performing Amara’s „Downfall“ skill when jumping off a ledge and dying
  • Addressed a reported concern that Amara’s „Indiscriminate“ skill could sometimes create lots of ricochet bullets when firing the Legendary Maliwan Shotgun „Projectile Recursion“
  • Addressed a reported concern where „Invulnerable“ shields would sometimes fail to block rounds fired from the Legendary Maliwan Shotgun „Projectile Recursion“


  • Added functionality to skip the intro movie once the video has fully loaded
  • Added vending machines to Skywell-27
  • Disabled access to Photo Mode during Fight for Your Life
  • Changed the default send mail error message to encompass additional issues
  • [PC] Adjusted volume and attenuation to bring music volume up while playing in HiFi mode on PC
  • Crew Quarter Room decorations now correctly use the rotation of the hook
  • Optimized Challenges to prevent hitching when saving
  • Optimized Challenge Completion percentage computation to occur over multiple frames to prevent hitching
  • Fixed a reported concern where save game could sometimes get bloated with duplicate Challenge data
  • Fixed a reported concern where save game data could sometimes have a minor leak
  • Fixed a reported concern where the game would not start up in correct resolution sometimes when using Fullscreen mode and display scaling
  • Fixed a reported concern where the player could sometimes remain invisible after respawning
  • Fixed a reported concern where clients would sometimes not see Sanctuary III Fast Travel Stations until they were already in the map
  • Fixed a reported concern where the D-Pad would sometimes not change selections in the Sanctuary III Fast Travel list
  • Fixed a reported concern where clients might not unlock Fast Travel Stations after using the Fast-Forward feature
  • Fixed a reported concern where environments could sometimes appear unnaturally bright due Time of Day errors
  • Fixed a reported concern where vehicle boost FX could sometimes appear black
  • Fixed a typo for the spelling of the „IMMUNE“ text pop in German
  • Fixed a reported concern where some strings for the Key Binding Menu were not localized
  • Fixed a reported concern where the Badass Event icon could sometimes show up when the event had been deactivated when using the ECHOcast Twitch Extension
  • Fixed a reported concern where Cryo destructible pose sometimes did not match character when in ragdoll
  • [Console] Fixed a reported concern where the Custom Waypoint hint text would sometimes appear in the Zone Map in non-current environments on consoles
  • [Console] Fixed a reported concern where Photo Mode filters sometimes weren’t working properly with HDR
  • [Console] Fixed a reported concern where Vault Hunter profile cards sometimes didn’t pull from local data for split screen players, causing a mismatch in presentation
  • Fixed a reported concern where the client would sometimes see an unresponsive black screen after accepting an invite during the intro movie
  • [PC] Fixed a reported concern where the Vault Hunter profile cards on Epic Game Store were sometimes not showing correctly

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